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Work with us and you have some of the best, most respected database engineers and system administration specialists in the world at your service. We have developed unparalleled skills, mature methodologies, best practices and tools that ensure VLMS clients receive a level of service that can?t be found anywhere else.
It is our business to stay current with best practices in areas such as performance, security, storage, architecture, management, and storage; and in complex database strategies and technologies such as clustering, cloud computing and business continuity.
A recognized advantage of working with VLMS is that we tailure your contact to meet your business goals. Companies can easily change their contracts to add VLMS expertise for a major IT initiative, then scale back when workloads return to normal
Our customers have an unprecedented level of transparency toward the work completed by VLMS engineers resulting in unique opportunity to learn from our team and constantly evaluate the quality of services and value we deliver. You are always on top of what VLMS is doing for you at any moment.
VLMS is a global enterprise services provider with core competencies in Consulting, Development, Hosting and Support Services. Our comprehensive service offering allows you to streamline the process of implementing, upgrading or customizing an application, supporting your environment and effectively managing the application lifecycle.
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