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815 BRIARPARK DR HOUSTON, TX 77042 Get Directions
TouchTable systems allow you to see and manage large amounts of data in a manner conducive to discussion and decision making. The TouchTable’s unique design and interface can benefit a wide variety of applications, ranging from asset management and acquisitions to repair and response.
TouchTable Systems provide you with a powerful way for accessing, sharing and managing data by allowing you to:
•Visualize project data to quickly view and understand complex information.
•Use the TouchTable as an analysis tool to examine and document data, and save for future reference.
•Incorporate real-time data feeds to aid in time sensitive situations.
•Synchronize projects over a network to quickly and clearly discuss and distribute displayed data.
•Use search and annotation functions to aid in asset management.
•Quickly gather and analyze information from remote locations.
•Visually assess current and historical data to pinpoint and understand trends.
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