2011 GRANART RD SUGAR GROVE, IL 60554 Get Directions
2011 GRANART RD SUGAR GROVE, IL 60554 Get Directions
Some of our customers ship scrap carbide for recycling; others purchase new tooling; still others use our re-sharpening services. Some multitask.But while we do have 3 different delivery systems and 3 different websites to address 3 different needs, conserving carbide tooling is the common thread, which is why we decided on our name and to use a well known logo as our talisman.End MillThere are a many, many US companies that manufacture end mills that are either variable pitch or variable helix, but only a few that manufacture variable helix AND variable pitch end mills. That's because varying both the helix and the pitch is a patent protected design. Hanita, SGS, Dataflute, and our manufacturer, Carbide Grinding Company (aka GorillaMill), are some of the few that do vary both. Except for GorillaMill, the few use a very good design patented by a Japanese company. Gorilla, however, holds its own US patents. We have found that its improved designs usually produce 5 to 10 percent better performance than the other variable helix/pitch endmils, especially in harder materials like Inconel and titanium. We are proud to offer the GorillaMill to our customers and to be associated with them.Carbide re-sharpening-how it works:You send old tooling; box clearly marked "For Sharpening."Receipt confirmed by email.We sharpen to specifications. Specs need to be clearly set out along with a contact person and phone number in case there are questions.Specifications, pricing and expected delivery date quoted by email. You approve quote by email. If not approved, tools are returned to you. Re-sharpened, re-coated tools delivered in 4 weeks or less, total time. Unsharpened items will be returned to you or scrapped at current market rates as you direct.Re-sharpen SavingsWhen a re-sharpening program starts, it's a little like a snake swallowing a mouse. In the first month of the example, 150 re-sharpened mills replace 112 new ones. By Month 5, the snake straightens out to a normal run rate, with 138 re-sharpened mills replacing 95 new mills. There is a 48% reduction in use of new carbide mills (95/200) and 12% overall cost savings.Re-sharpening also results in a much lower CO2 footprint; it takes way less energy to re-sharpen than to manufacture from scratch, less than 2%. It also reduces the demand for newly mined tungsten, 85% of which comes from China.One interesting point from the analysis-not shown here-is that little cost savings result from re-sharpening twice, $152/mo in this example, less than 1%. In that instance, 96 re-sharpened-once mills and 128 new mills replace the 200 new. However, the use of new carbide rises substantially and the CO2 footprint even more.Also noted and not shown, was that doubling the market price of scrap carbide had minimal effect on the savings percentages, similar to the small second re-sharpening effect.Please also visit our sister site at: www.webuycarbide.com
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