2501 AIRPORT DR LAUREL, MS 39440 Get Directions
2501 AIRPORT DR LAUREL, MS 39440 Get Directions
The ownership, management, and employment base of "Boots Smith" has enjoyed a strong history of serving the pipeline construction and oil and gas industry. The ownership of "Boots Smith" has remained in the Smith family since 1954 and is now in its 3rd generation under the leadership of Jason Smith. The operating priorities have remained constant over those years. Our main goal is to provide the highest quality of service in our industry by utilizing the highest quality employees and equipment.
While focusing on the needs of its customers with its quality employees and equipment, "Boots Smith" continues to separate itself from its competition by the diversity of services offered. Service diversification enables our customers to utilize one contractor for the majority of its needs. Our diversified service offering falls into 3 distinct categories:
1.Pipeline Construction - large and small pipeline construction and directional drilling services.
2.Oil & Gas Drilling Support Services - construction of drilling locations and road access, dismantling, moving and setting up drilling rigs, and crane services.
3.Oil & Gas Production Support Services - rental equipment, vacuum truck services, heavy hauling, location maintenance, winch truck services, and crane services.
Our goal today is the same as it has been for over 50 years: "to continue our growth as well as our customers' growth, by furnishing them with the best service, people, and equipment in the safest and most economical way possible." That is the "Boots Smith" pledge to you.
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