700 AURORA AVE BOULDER, CO 80302 Get Directions
700 AURORA AVE BOULDER, CO 80302 Get Directions
AuraViva was founded in March 2009 and sprang from the seed of one big idea: to create a new approach to wellness and medical care that improves effectiveness and is based on accessible and renewable resources - in other words, a new paradigm and tools that provide economical, effective and sustainable health and care for all.
It’s a big idea, inspired by our combined 80+ years of experience in healthcare and wellness spanning medicine, nursing, disease prevention, health psychology, integrative services, exercise science, employee health, healthcare policy, healthcare IT, health services administration and biomedical and health services research. The three of us have wrestled on the front lines with the frustrations and challenges of current wellness and medical systems; systems that despite earnest effort by the many smart, well-intentioned professionals working in healthcare still produce too many errors, exclude individuals in need, provide poor value, and consume an ever increasing portion of our economy. Fortunately, these challenges have inspired us to think outside the box about how to shift the current system toward new models and solutions. Our 80+ years in healthcare and wellness continue to provide a rich knowledge base for building new solutions in support of our big idea.
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