900 W CAPITOL AVE STE 320 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 Get Directions
900 W CAPITOL AVE STE 320 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201 Get Directions
The Arkansas Science & Technology Authority (the Authority) was created by statute in 1983. The mission of the Authority is to advance the talent and innovation necessary for Arkansas to prosper.
With a vision to see Arkansas prepared to compete and prosper in the global economy, the Authority addresses strategies to promote scientific research; technology development; business innovation; and math, science, and engineering education.
The Authority is comprised of a Board of Directors, Advisory Committees and staff. The 14-member Board is appointed by the Governor to staggered four-year terms. The Board has three directors who are scientists or engineers, two directors who are representatives of academic institutions, five directors who represent the private sector, three directors who represent the private sector and have knowledge and experience in the field of manufacturing, and the Director of the Department of Higher Education (or the Director's designee).
The Authority's staff is led by the President, the chief executive officer, who is responsible for the agency's programs, services and support functions. The Authority's activities are divided into three programmatic areas that include research, development and technology. The Board determines the allocation of funds to all projects supported by the Authority. Three Board standing committees, comprised exclusively of members of the Board, make recommendations to the full Board. Advisory Committees, comprised of Board and non-Board members, offer additional inputs to the Authority.
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